Latest news from Knockbreda Parish
Dear parishioners and friends,
‘Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.’ Romans 12.1
As you know, in-person corporate worship is not happening at the moment in church. This has made me reflect on what true worship is. Surprisingly, ‘worship’ is a word used very infrequently in the New Testament. Romans 12.1 (above) is one of those rare places. It explains that worship is not what we usually think it is. Worship is not limited to singing hymns on Sundays in a church building. In fact true worship happens for the Christian every moment of every day. When we offer our bodies as living sacrifices it is ‘true and proper worship.’ So even when we cannot meet in church that does not mean we cannot worship. Whatever we are engaged in we should be offering it up to God. “I’m performing this activity for you, Lord,” should be our prayer every day. Let’s continue to worship even when we are apart!
From James Myles at CAP
Hi Folks! I just wanted to send you a message to thank you, must sincerely, for the money your church donated to enable us to provide a Christmas Hamper for the clients this year. Over £3000 was donated which enabled us to provide a good quality hamper, some Christmas treats, toys for the children and fuel/electricity top-ups. There is enough left to provide an additional hamper and more help with their energy costs during these cold, winter months. We normally have a ‘fun & food’ evening for them in January but unfortunately this year, that will not be possible.
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2Cor 9v8
God has indeed blessed abundantly.
It was a privilege for me to be able to spend some time with each client, as I delivered the hampers and caught up with them. A number of the clients are finishing with us this year so for them, it will be the last CAP Christmas hamper. They wanted me to pass on their deep gratitude for your generosity at this difficult time and throughout the years they have been working with CAP. The transformation in them is remarkable so thank you for being a part of that journey for them out of debt. Everything we do for them is a reflection of our gratitude to God for what He has done for us. That love is demonstrated in these hampers.
Do please pass on my thanks to your parishioners and may they continue to be blessed in 2021 to enable them to continue to be a blessing to others.
James Myles
Dates for the diary
The Easter Vestry this year will be held on 21st April at 7.30pm
The register of general vestry members will be reviewed on 15th February. To become a registered vestry member you need to be a regular subscriber to church funds and to sign a form obtainable from the wardens. Or contact me and I can arrange for you to receive the appropriate form.
The Breda Messenger for February will be delayed due to restrictions around distributors and essential travel.
Thank you for giving
Thank you for continuing with your donations to church during the pandemic. Standing orders are the easiest for us to process since we have no count team at the moment and are trying to minimise the handling of cash. If you prefer to give by cheque either forward to the treasurer or to the rectory. It is also possible to use the secure Donate button on the website. Many, many thanks.
Services this Sunday
We are looking into live-streaming services from church when we are allowed to meet in-person again. For the next few weeks, however, there will continue to be the usual Sunday service on YouTube from 10.30am. Just click on the following link from 10.30am. Please have a Bible to hand as we are hearing from God in 1 Corinthians 1-2.
Knockbreda Parish, Belfast – YouTube
On Sunday evenings church is meeting by Zoom at 6.30pm. Just click on the following link and you will be taken straight there. We are thinking about how CS Lewis communicates Christian truth through his marvellous children’s books. There is live music and time for a chat. You will get a warm welcome when you join us.
Meeting ID: 849 2125 7786
Passcode: 808471
I am delighted to hear how several parishioners have started using the Explore Bible Devotions app on their phones. I would really encourage you to look into getting these devotions. Especially when we are apart on a Sunday we need our faith nourished by reading God’s Word. Just go to your app store and search for ‘Explore Bible Devotional’. You will find daily Bible readings and ideas to help you engage with God’s Word.
Please remember that if there is any way we can help at the church just get in touch. We have a small team who are happy to help run messages etc.
Take care, God bless.