Services in Church
Our church services continue on Wednesdays at 11am (traditional BCP) and Sundays at 10.30am (with Sunday School in the hall). Please allow me to remind you of the protocols.
- If you are not feeling well please stay at home. There will still be a church service on YouTube from 10.30am on a Sunday.
- If you are coming to church you are asked to wear a face-mask – this guidance has come from the Diocese and wider church consultation.
- When you arrive at church you will be met outside by one of our welcome team who will be glad to see you and will tell you all you need to know about what to do and where to sit.
- In the porch you will be asked to use the hand sanitisers provided and continue to observe 2m distancing.
- We have to record the names of everyone in church – for contact & tracing.
- You will be shown to a pew (not your usual pew) marked with a green dot. Please keep the pews labelled with red dots free.
- We will fill the church from the front pew first – an usher will direct you. The gallery will be limited in use, so you will very likely be sitting downstairs.
- If you feel unwell during the service, attract the attention of a warden, who will take you to a room set aside before arranging for you to get home.
- Sadly there can be no normal, congregational singing, though on Sundays we are grateful to Rebekah, the soloists and instrumentalists who enliven the service with their music.
- At the end of the service we will leave from the back first. Please try to avoid a bottleneck in the porch after the service and to maintain 2m distancing in the churchyard and car park.
Those of us who have been attending church for the past couple of months have become used to the protocols. If you are considering attending church for the first time since lockdown but you are apprehensive you might consider coming to the Wednesday Morning Prayer service, which is smaller in number and requires no ‘booking’. If you intend to come on a Sunday please email me ( or telephone the rectory to let me know you are coming. Numbers in the building are restricted due to social distancing. For the time being, to limit numbers in the church building, we are asking children attending Sunday School to go straight to the hall for 10.30am.
Learning from the Bible is central to all our ministries. On Sunday mornings we are reading through the book of Nehemiah to discover from his exciting story what Jesus would have us do to build up his church. On Wednesday mornings we are preaching on some of Jesus’ parables. And on YouTube we continue our sermon series in John’s Gospel. I know at the moment it can be more difficult to keep up with the habit of Bible reading and listening to sermons so let’s all please make a special effort to do what we can to be regular hearers of God’s Word.
Sincerely in Christ,