Revd Bill Press (rector of Knockbreda) and Revd Helene Steed (rector of Dundela), have both accepted Bishop David’s invitation to become canons in Down Cathedral.Bill said: “I’m delighted to receive this unexpected appointment in Down cathedral. I look forward to serving God and the gospel in whatever way I can in this new role.”Speaking of her appointment, Helene said: “It was a wonderful surprise to be appointed to Down Chapter. I feel humbled that Bishop David asked me and look forward to joining the chapter and taking part in the exciting ministry of the Cathedral under the leadership of Dean Hull.”
The Dean of Down, The Very Revd Henry Hull, welcomed the latest appointments to the Cathedral Chapter. He said: “I am delighted with the appointment of Revd Bill Press and Revd Helene Steed as cathedral canons, along with that of Canon Ken Higgins as Archdeacon of Down. I look forward to this new era for the Chapter and ministry of Down Cathedral.”